The Strike

In the Leaden Hills, on the shore of Lake Melad, lies The Strike. A place of wonder and spectacle in the bald hills, old open strip mines, and slag pits in the western Northern Marches. At The Strike, as it is known, three massive longswords are buried deep in the top of a bald hill overlooking the lake. They are not the swords of ogres or even giants. These are ancient swords of unknown manufacture made for the hands of the Walking Gods. 

It is said in the Iron Scroll that this was the spot of the final truce of the Walking Gods. And when they had divided up the Northern Marches into their territories and agreed to fight no more, they each at the same time drove their swords into  the top of the bald hill that was the nexus of their domains to signify their epoch of fighting was at an end. 

Those gods have long since disappeared, as have their dominion on the Northern Marches, but their enormous tools of destruction remain, as does the clear notion that even the gods can strike an accord and come to an agreement to stop warring and live in harmony.

And so, we come forward to its finding by modern peoples. Since it was discovered during the First Incursion, The Strike has captivated the Marches. It only increased when Oliver Costello found the hidden ancient peoples temple carved out beneath The Strike. It was here that he found the Iron Scroll that described the history of the site and importance. Costello was in awe of the completely rune covered walls and floors, and the fact the temple was lit by the purply green glow of the exposed sword blades themselves where they pierced the temple hill.   

Since then the site has become a shrine to those who want an end to war, for clear heads in battle, for virtue and reason above bloodlust and anger, and for those who use negotiation and treaty as their chosen weapon. A couple of churches and religions have sprung up at the site as well, that includes a scattering of buildings, a small but finely appointed inn and a temple and a church.

The temple is for the worship of the Walking Gods themselves, Gutris The Mediator of Souls, Shobris The Advancer of Eras, and Kelvunnoth The Radiant Defender. The Temple is an open mount of flat round plinth, surrounded by round columns, with a shallow domed stone roof. At its center are three purply green shards of an unknown material embedded in a raised dais, one each from each of the swords. These were not taken or removed from the swords, but were gathered from the ground after many rituals and rites were performed. Embedded in the center of the circular dais is a flat representation of the Iron Scroll.

The Church is a sect known as the Worshippers of Reason. Their clerics and paladins worship at the church and the site for establishing their vows, inspiration, and inner strength. They use negotiation, reason and virtue as their weapons first. After that, they use their mighty greatswords to negotiate.

A few other buildings have sprouted up to service the temple and church, and a fine but small tavern and inn, The Defiant Stag, has sprung up at the site as well.

Located on the edge of the wilder parts of the Leaden Hills and the foothills and coniferous forests of the Grim Mountains, The Strike is under constant threat by gnolls, bugbears and other foul humanoids from the dark forests and spoiled holes the dwarves left behind.

-          Chronicle of the Misty Vale – Chronicler Exodion -The Great Library

