Valiantly guarding civilizations toehold in the Northern Marches, The Council of Nine serves the needs of Javelin Hill and its surrounds. Formed from the original protectors of Javelin Hill in its infancy following the defeat of the Daemonhorde of The Dread Demon Gral Nar Vix, those nine surviving brave and selfless souls who wrought his doom knew that if Javelin Hill and the opening of the frontier was ever going to be successful, coordinated leadership was going to be needed. A shattered Javelin Hill and the remnants of civilization looked to what had become known as "The Nine" for a way forward.
The Nine were the survivors of the collection of heroes that came together during the hundreds of skirmishes and battles of the Daemonwar. A mixed collection of humans, dwarves, elves, halflings, and one very special dragon, The Nine were also a mix of battle masters, fierce mages, warrior priests, keen strategists, masters of the elements, and guardians of the mountains, woods, plains and waters.
During the chaos of the Daemonwar, Fifteen heroes rose to the forefront, leading warbands, troops, and even armies aaginst The Dread Demon and his ilk. Six of those brave heroes perished in the wars. Lyria Olaris - Sea Elven Blade Dancer; Duffy Shagfoot Knob - Halfling Ranger (and founder of Knobtown); Kortess Erwin - Human Imperial Cleric; Warrendahl Strongforged - Dwarven Paladin; Faylen Essjor - Sea Elf Mage; Black Uddis - Human Assassin. These six are known as "The Lost". A shrine and courtyard is built for them in the Terraces of Tears in the Grimm Mountains overlooking Javelin Hill.
Those who survived became known as "The Nine". The Nine were: Renner Furyfold - Human Fighter; Vaddiak Barearm - Dwarven Fighter; Gainan Thornheart - Human Mage; Ashryn Gilsalor - Wood Elf Mage; Gumrol Broadbraids - Dwarf Cleric; Darralla - Half-Elf Ranger; Gundabald Whittlebottom - Halfling Assassin; Syndra Neriwynn - Sea Elf Illusionist; Grustug Skonnag - Human Barbarian
Also critical to the defeat of the Dread Demon was a staunch ally of The Nine, Goldwrath, The Redeemer, a Gold Dragon from the Purple Mountains. A friend of Gumrol Broadbraids, Goldwrath understood how dire the situation was for the creatures and races of the Northern Marches during the Daemonwar. Together Gumrol and Goldwrath threw support of themselves and their allies into the effort to rid the Northern Marches of the scourge of demonkind and destroy their gateway into this material world.
Following their victory, The Nine decided to rebuild Javelin Hill, honor The Lost and all those who fell to the Daemon Horde, and move forward as the becaon of light in the darkness of the Northern Marches.
After rebuilding Javelin Hill, The Nine were asked by the merchant families, the craftsman and artisans, farmers, the town watch, and most of the peoples to form The Council of Nine, as protectors and guardians of Javelin Hill. In addition, all agreed that the council should also be the ruling authority as well.
And so since the beginning of the Second Incursion, The Council of Nine has provided their guidance, protection, and authority to Javelin Hill and the surrounding lands. There has been much turnover in the council over the course of six incursions into the Northern Marches. Of the original nine members, only the long lived elves remain alive, and none serve on the council. The rest have long since passed through adventure, intrigue or old age. Ashryn Gilsalor is living out his twilight under the dark boughs of the Deepen Woods. Syndra Neriwynn sailed off to the Sea Elf Kingdoms long ago, but occasional rumor and story circles the taverns that she wanders the edges of the Purple Mountains, vigilant in her defense of the Northern Marches form Others.
Today the council's members include: Nadin Petrico - Human Fighter; Grimrock Dragonbrew - Dwarf Ranger; Suggdor Bullgore - Human Barbarian, Amara Morynore -Sylvan Elf Ranger, Baldric Sandheaver - Halfling Mage, Nym Farona - Sea Elven Mage, Norethra Anvilbane -Dwarf Warrior Priest, Llewellyn Titcomb - Human Cleric, Nibs Puddinfoot - Halfling Merchant. Their job is to protect Javelin Hill and the people who call it home, from attacks from inside and out.
The Northern Marches - Furlong Strongheel - Master Scribe
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