There are several areas in the Woods that are known by infamy or legend. The Silvanese Elven Kingdom, The Silver Circle, The crumbling ruins of of the Greystone Family, Wyvernseekers Rock, The Dark Caverns, to name a few of the known mysterious and frightful places that inhabit the Deepen Woods' dark and shadowy nooks and crannies.
The best knowledge of the Woods, besides the occasional trade exchange with the Silvanese Elves, comes to us from a tome found in the archives of the The Great Library of Exodian. A volume entitled " The White Lady" by Anonymous describes the tragic rise and fall of the Greystone Family, who inhabited and built great constructions, and gathered great wealth, all within the embrace of the Deepen Woods. All of their constructions lay ruined and destroyed by "their evil thirst for wealth and power at any cost", according to the book. Interestingly, the book does not describe by what means their destruction unfolded, just that it was utterly complete. The volume can not be found by the Librarians of Exodian, and some believe it may have been stolen for its content in detailing the ruined sites of the Greystone Family and the treasures that lie within.
In addition to the elven kingdom, The Silver Circle Order of Druids makes its roaming lands in the western part of the forest. Not much is know about the mysterious Silver Circle, besides they are a fading order with few members, and almost no contact with anyone besides the Sylvanese.
Rumors of a dark cavern complex in the foothills where the Grim Mountains and Deepen Woods begins have persisted for centuries in scraps , rumor, and tall tales. Purported to be ancient and filled with the unfathomable, these mysterious dark caverns are often sought, but none have ever returned to tell the tale.
The Deepen Woods hold many may be best kept that way.
Jiorgie Featherbottom - The Geography of Myth: Mysterious Places of the Northern Marches
An order of Silver Circle Druids that may be in the western part of the Deepen Woods. Dhru may want to learn about them as we continue the quest! All Elend heard was the Greystone family 'gathered great wealth'.