East of Javelin Hill and bisected by the Placid River are the Karst Hills. Rocky formations of porous limestone that has been dissolved away by long gone running water, the hills separate the rolling plains of the Misty Vale from the low, languid plains sliding to the Coast of Tears. From the Placid River in the south to the foothills of the Purple Mountains in
the north, The Karst Hills are a kraggy, wild, stretch of hills with bustling
wildlife and pockets of marauding goblinoid tribes. Famous for many things, the strange and wondrous rock formations, the endless caves and warrens, wooded and bald hills and rock formations teeming with wildlife and wilder creatures, the Karst Chimneys of Jura, and of course, the Four Javelins Inn.
The Karst Hills are a crossroads of wildlife magical and non magical (bears, owlbears, manticores, giant mammals, giant insects, giant reptiles, chimera, mountain cats), giantkind (ogres, hill giants), goblinoids and beastmen (goblins, hobgoblins, bugbears, orcs, kobolds, gnolls, minotaur), as well as bandits, criminals, hermits, loonies, mystics, and the occasional Black Dragon.
Encounters with the inhabitants happen often in the Karst Hills as its teeming with life and there are lots of
places to hide. And for someone or something that is wanting to not be found, the Hills are a good place to get lost.
There are numerous valuable herbs and seeds that grow in the
unique topography and ecology of the Karst Hills. Most apothecaries, herbalists
and even clerics and mages rely on some of these as components for potions,
draughts, spells, incantations, or rites. Some of them include: Demon Angelica, Summer Grains, Storm Lavender, Mage Garlic, Spark Parsley, Bister Ginger, Poison Poke, Bastard Grass, Witches Mustard, Cinder Seed, Stag
Bean, Low Harlequin, Radical Running Moss, Spiderpad, Sweet Spiny Feverfew, Graveberry.
Khronos Shaghand wrote the preeminent treatise on the flora on the subject, The Unique Flora of the Karst Hills. Following the publishing of the manual, the Karst Hills were virtually stripped clean by collectors and crews looking to cash in. Subsequent waves of animal and creature migrations pushed back the treasure seekers along with wrecking some amount of havoc in the Misty Vale. Equilibrium has finally been established as the flora has made a stunning reestablishment.

A wild and wooly place, the Karst Hills remain a wonder in the Northern Marches.
- What We Know - Roderick Floundersnatch
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