In the heart of the Deepen Woods lies the elven kingdom of Sylvanese. The wood elf kingdom of legend has been in the Northern Marches for over 1000 years. Its capitol, Nileth Vanor, lies at the center of the kingdom, surrounded by ancient groves of enormous trees. Nileth Vanor is the heart of the Sylvanese Kingdom and its seat of power.
In the royal palace of Ayl Thalor, the Sylvan King and his Crimson Court weave their mysteries. At Yan Alora, The Great Silver Tower of Ashryn Gilsalor, the elven mages explore the very essence of magic. At the great tree Yors of Nileth Vol, Nileth Sor, Nileth Ran, and Vileth Es, the Endless Vigilance continues, as protectors of the Deepen Wood from evils without and within.
The Silvanese do occasionally trade with merchants that have demonstrated their respect and trust, trading fine wrought goods for raw materials, or unique items not available in the Woods. Occasionally as well, a Silvanese youth with the 'Ral Halla' or wanderlust, will find their way to Javelin Hill or other parts of the Northern Marches to experience life outside of the Woods they know will be their eventual home.The Silvanese Elves are as different from the High Elven Kingdoms of the Eastern Coasts, as the Hill Dwarves are from the Iron Dwarves of the Purple Mountains. Lithe, swift, and efficient in their movement, the Sylvanese Elves move through the forests as if they are a part of them. Their contemplative, but sincere nature puts most humanoids at rest easily around them. Joyous in celebration and amusing at play, the Sylvanese elves have learned a lot from the animals they share the forest with. They live in the moment and relish games, tests of skill, and feats of daring where their athleticism and wily intelligence lead them to victory, and a hearty laugh. Loyal and devout to their sacred duty to defend the Woods from evil, the Sylvanese Elves are undaunted and unwavering in what they have promised so long ago when they settled in the woods.
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