The Northern Gate

The lands of men, and high born elves, and dwarven lords lay in mostly peaceful tranquility to the south of the Northern Gate. In the gap in the eastern end of the Grim Mountains, known as “The Maw”, sits the massive construction. Built by an ancient coalition of Dwarves, and Elves and Men, the The Northern Gate crosses the wide gap of The Maw, sealing the Northern Marches off from the Southern Lands, and with it the endless incursions of foul beast and ravening chaotic hordes.

The Northern Gate is a massive stone construction of high walls, towers, keeps, and battlements. Among its many features, a single twenty foot wide gate sits at the center of the walls. Protected by towers and two keeps, the gate is the only access through The Maw to the Northern Marches.

Today, a huge and bustling City has grown up south of the Gate simply known as North Gate. As The Maw heads north past the gate, it rises steadily for several days ride until the top of the pass is reached. In front of the viewer is the Northern Marches, a wild and wooly land that has never been conquered, but that hides the ancient histories of named and nameless civilizations, creatures and races. From there The Maw narrows and heads steadily down to end at the foothills of the Grim Mountains and the shining outpost in an endless sea of darkness that is Javelin Hill.

     - The Brave Histories the Men, Elves, and Dwarves of The Northern Gate - Theodus Blackfingers - Scribe to Emperor Alexis VII of Men
