We now turn our gaze upon the night, the moon, and the stars above.
Nagda - Mistress of the Darkness

When the Great Bringer of Light tired after his endless sculpting of the world, his partner, Nagda laid his weary head down for a long sleep (some said aided by her magic). And as much as the Great Bringer of Light illuminated the world in his golden glow, Nagda was the Mistress of the Darkness. In his first rest, she plunged his new world into the First Age of Darkness. In the darkness that followed, Nagda sowed her seeds and toiled in the darkness so her children could find a hold on this new land. When the Great Bringer awoke, his rage burned the sky bright and smote many of those dark things that were living out in the open in the darkness. His own children were wracked by fear and doubt, mere prey for Nagda's children of the darkness. The Bringer burned the dark and twisted things that grew in all corners of the world. But Nagda had also known this day would come and she had planted some of her seeds deep. And thus they flourished in the deep dark holes in the earth. Her children take many twisted forms and she delights in them all as much as the Great Bringer does in his.
Nagda takes many forms and is worshipped by many peoples and things who shun the light and live their lives in the darkness of nightfall, or in holes and caves and labyrinths dug deep in the dark earth. She is the Mistress of Dark Magiks and has a hatred for her own daughter with The Great Bringer, Selune, and all her frivolity and light. Nagda's followers hate the followers of Selune.
Selune - Lady of the Bright Moon, Sower of Seeds, Illuminator of Travelers
Selune is the Lady of the Bright Moon. She stands astride the moon, in all its phases, illuminating the world in her warm light, pushing back the darkness. She is the daughter of The Great Bringer of Light and The Mistress of Darkness. Her mother, Nagda hates her daughter for the light she possesses from her father, and upon her birth, wanted to destroy her for it. The Great Bringer wanted to ensure she was out of Nagda's reach and so placed her in the inky darkness above to allow her to shine on his people and protect them from Nagda's darkness when he slumbered.
As The Great Bringer gazed upon the beauty of his daughter, he was unaware of the birth of her twin Sable. A daughter of darkness and blackness. And Nagda cast her up to the sky above to destroy Selune. And as they met, they embraced in a swirling dance that continues today.
Although Nagda's followers hate Selune, Selune's followers love Nagda and the Great Bringer of Light. For without the Great Bringer there would be no light, and without Nagda and darkness, there can be no light.
Celestia - Queen of the Starry Night

In the endless fighting between The
Great Bringer and The Mistress of Darkness, the rest of the world and its
people were often ignored. And in the fighting The Great Bringer grew angry at
his partner. Enter The Wanderer. Her name was Celestia and her shimmering
silver body was wreathed in a cloak of total darkness. She wandered the cosmos
seeking the darkness to illuminate it. The Great Bringer was smitten and they
had a torrid affair, casting the world into the Second Age of Darkness as The
Great Bringer neglected his world and Nagda in her rage ruled the long night. Eventually
The Great Bringer knew he must return to his world, but wanted Celestia to
She could not, for she was The Wanderer. But to assuage his despair at
her leaving, she cast her cloak across the sky, as its lining shown down on the
world. As black as the outside of her cloak was, the inside was a riot of pinpoint
lights and billowing celestial clouds of endless color. She left this world
enshrouded in her wonderous gift. A gift that once again enraged Nagda, but was
out of her reach to remove.
And so, the night sky continues to be dotted by the light of The Wanderer, The Mistress, The Queen of the Starry Night.
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